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Charities We Support

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There are no salaries drawn at Belief Books. All profits from sales after publication costs are distributed to the following charities. These charities have been selected with a number of criteria in mind including financial accountability and service to the poor. Some are secular, most are Christian. Some I know personally from volunteering there or interacting with them. Others I have come to know from reputation. The list of charities may change and will be updated regularly. You can check them out on their websites as well as on

Better Community Housing Trenton
Deep Well Project
No Hungry Children
Rescue Mission of Trenton

Better Community Housing of Trenton -

The mission of Better Community Housing of Trenton is to create safe, quality housing in Trenton that low-income people can afford to buy or rent, and to support community action and development in at-risk urban neighborhoods.

  • To create safe, quality housing in the Wilbur and East Trenton sections of Trenton that poor people can truly afford to buy or rent – that is, at substantially lower prices than "low-income" homes provided by other groups.

  • To serve the local residents and to avoid the displacement that occurs to poor people as a result of gentrification.

  • To end the mindset and realty of multi-generational poverty by empowering residents to gain control of their lives and community and to develop a stable family life, leading to improved educational performance for children and job performance for adults.

The Deepwell Project -

The Deep Well Project was founded in 1973, digging wells to provide clean, safe water for the Hilton Head Island community.  Since then, it has been the source of emergency assistance to the local community and is supported by individuals, businesses, religious institutions, foundations, clubs, schools and various other organizations. The Deep Well Project both serves and reflects the caring community in which we live.

Homefront -

HomeFront’s mission is to end homelessness in Central New Jersey by harnessing the caring, resources and expertise of the community. We lessen the immediate pain of homelessness and help families become self-sufficient. We work to give our clients the skills and opportunities to ensure adequate incomes, and we work to increase the availability of adequate, affordable housing. We help homeless families advocate for themselves individually and collectively.

No Hungry

No Hungry Children’s mission is to impact the lives of Children for the glory of God by sharing the love of Jesus Christ through feeding them physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. With nourishment of the Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit comes a brighter hope for the future, as the life expectancy of these children will rise with a regular diet. Our hope is that these children will have greater opportunity to exit the slums with a well-rounded primary education.

Most importantly, our aim is to present the Good News of Jesus to these children. And our expectation is that in His hands, they find the greatest hope and satisfaction. What can you get for a $1 contribution? 2 meals a day, 5 days a week, for 1 child in Nairobi, Kenya.

Pioneer Bible

Pioneer Bible Translators® exists to disciple the Bibleless, mobilizing God’s people to provide enduring access to God’s Word. Our vision is to see transformed lives through God’s Word in every language. The work is not finished until there are networks of churches using Scripture to grow, mature and multiply in every language group on Earth.

Rescue Mission of

For more than a century, The Rescue Mission of Trenton’s Shelter has been providing a safe haven for those with nowhere else to turn. Historically, it has been a place where anyone can come in off the streets, get cleaned up, have a hot meal, and find a warm bed to sleep for the night.

The Salvation

The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.

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